Usage Guide
  • 15 Aug 2024
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Usage Guide

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Article summary

VizionCTL Functionality Overview

VizionCTL is a command-line tool designed for controlling video devices, offering various functionalities and options for convenient configuration and control.

General/Common Options

  • -v, --version: Display VizionCTL version information.

  • -d, --device <dev>: Use the specified device <dev>, default is /dev/video0.

  • -D, --info: Display driver information.

  • -n, --dev-name: Display the name of the specified device.

  • -l, --list-devices: List all V4L devices.

  • -L, --list-control: List camera control parameters.

  • -u, --uid: Get the unique identifier (UID) of the device.

  • -g, --get-ctrl <ctrl>: Get the value of the controls.

  • -s, --set-ctrl <ctrl>=<val>: Set the value of the controls.

  • --fw-update <type> <file> [--mode <mode>] [--bus <address>]

    • type = 1 : isp firmware update.
      • bus (optional, applicable only for isp firmware update): Specify the I2C bus address for ISP.
    • type = 2 : uvc firmware update.
      • mode (optional, default: spi): Specify the update mode for uvc firmware. Options are:
      • ram: Burns the firmware code to RAM
      • i2c: Burns the firmware code to EEPROM
      • spi: Burns the firmware code to SPI
    • type = 3 : tevs firmware update.
  • --isp-fw-version: Display ISP firmware version information.

  • --uvc-fw-version: Display UVC firmware version information.

  • --tevs-fw-version: Display TEVS firmware version information.

  • -log: Display logs.

Control Parameters

Below are the parameters available for get/set controls:

  • brightness: Range -1 to 1, default is 0.
  • contrast: Range -5 to 5, default is 0.
  • saturation: Range 0 to 2, default is 1.
  • white_balance_mode: Range 0 to 1, default is 1 (Auto Mode).
    • 0: Manual Temp Mode
    • 1: Auto Mode
  • white_balance_temperature: Range 2300 to 15000, default is 5000.
  • gamma: Range 0.4 to 7.9, default is 2.2.
  • exposure_mode: Range 0 to 2, default is 1 (AUTO_EXP).
    • 0: MANUAL_EXP
    • 1: AUTO_EXP
    • 2:AUTO_GAIN
  • exposure: Range 1 to 500000, default is 10000.
  • throughput: Range 10 to 1000.
  • gain: Range 1 to 64, default is 1.
  • flip_mode: Range 0 to 3, default is 1 (FLIP_NORMAL).
    • 0: FLIP_NORMAL
    • 1: FLIP_H_MIRROR
    • 2: FLIP_V_MIRROR
    • 3: FLIP_ROTATE_180
  • flick_mode: Range 0 to 3, default is 0 (DISABLE).
    • 0: DISABLE
    • 1: 50Hz
    • 2: 60Hz
    • 3: Auto
  • sharpness: Range -2 to 2, default is 0.
  • backlight_compensation: Range -15 to 15, default is 1.
  • special_effect: Range 0 to 4, default is 0 (NORMAL_MODE).
    • 0: NORMAL_MODE
    • 4: SKETCH_MODE
  • noise: Range -2 to 2, default is 0.
  • jpeg_quality: Range 1 to 255.
  • max_fps
  • pan_target: Range 0 to 1, default is 0.5.
  • tilt_target: Range 0 to 1, default is 0.5.
  • zoom_target: Range 1 to 8, default is 1.


Here are some examples illustrating the usage of VizionCTL:

Display the VizionCTL version information:

vizion-ctl --version

List all available video devices:

$ vizion-ctl --list-devices

Set the exposure mode to AGC mode

$ vizion-ctl -d /dev/video0 --set-ctrl exposure_mode=2

Set the brightness to 0.5 and display logs:

$ vizion-ctl -d /dev/video0 --set-ctrl brightness=0.5 -log

Get the current exposure value:

$ vizion-ctl -d /dev/video0 --get-ctrl exposure

Update UVC firmware:

vizion-ctl -d /dev/video1 --fw-update 2 VCI_UVC_24.02.00.01.img

Update UVC firmware when device is not detected.:

vizion-ctl  --fw-update 2 VCI_UVC_24.02.00.01.img

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