- 12 Aug 2024
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Verification after programming the 'uuu' tool
- Updated on 12 Aug 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
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This article will walk you through the process of using uuu tool to CRC verify a flashed storage device.
tool must be using version 1.5.x or later.
Prepare in advance
Make sure that the installed UUU supports CRC validation
You can use command "uuu -H" on your host with more details.
FB[-t timeout]:\Fastboot: android fastboot protocol (timeout in ms).
ucmd <any uboot command>
acmd <any never returned uboot command, like booti, reboot>
flash [-raw2sparse [{-no-bmap|-bmap <bmap_filename}]] <partition> <filename>
download -f <filename>
crc -f <filename> [-format "mmc read $loadaddr"] [-blksz 512] [-each 0x4000000]
[-seek 0] [-skip 0] [-nostop]
each CRC size each loop
seek skip bytes from storage
skip skip bytes from -f
nostop continue check even if found mismatch
Generate a new flash.bin file
Since TechNexion's u-boot does not have the CRC32 command enabled by default, it must be enabled. Download the source code to make changes and cross-compile it. For this, please refer to the following article.
Customizing U-boot
recommends tn-imx_v2022.04_5.15.71_2.2.0-next branch or the latest version.
Before cross-compiling, delete this line in the defconfig file you want to modify.
# CONFIG_CMD_CRC32 is not set
And insert this line.
For ARM64(e.g. i.MX8 and i.MX9)
After the compilation is complete, a new flash.bin file needs to be generated. Use a script(install_uboot_imx8.sh) in uboot to generate new flash.bin or build with yocto.
./install_uboot_imx8.sh -b imx8mp-edm-g.dtb -d /dev/null
Use uuu shell mode to verify the image under Linux
While the target board is powered off, set the boot jumpers to boot from serial download. Then, USB Type-C peripheral cable to the board, and the other end to the host PC. If the target board is powered using another source than USB-OTG (via a Type C connector), then connect power to the unit.
to start verifying process.
$ sudo ./uuu -s flash.bin
uuu (Universal Update Utility) for nxp imx chips -- libuuu_1.5.109-79-g48806e5
Build in config:
Pctl Chip Vid Pid BcdVersion Serial_No
SDPS: MX8QXP 0x1fc9 0x012f [0x0002..0xffff]
SDPS: MX8QM 0x1fc9 0x0129 [0x0002..0xffff]
SDPS: MX8DXL 0x1fc9 0x0147
SDPS: MX28 0x15a2 0x004f
SDPS: MX815 0x1fc9 0x013e
SDPS: MX865 0x1fc9 0x0146
SDPS: MX8ULP 0x1fc9 0x014a
SDPS: MX8ULP 0x1fc9 0x014b
SDPS: MX93 0x1fc9 0x014e
SDPS: MX93 0x1fc9 0x0159
SDPS: MX95 0x1fc9 0x015d
SDP: MX7D 0x15a2 0x0076
SDP: MX6Q 0x15a2 0x0054
SDP: MX6D 0x15a2 0x0061
SDP: MX6SL 0x15a2 0x0063
SDP: MX6SX 0x15a2 0x0071
SDP: MX6UL 0x15a2 0x007d
SDP: MX6ULL 0x15a2 0x0080
SDP: MX6SLL 0x1fc9 0x0128
SDP: MX7ULP 0x1fc9 0x0126
SDP: MXRT106X 0x1fc9 0x0135
SDP: MX8MM 0x1fc9 0x0134
SDP: MX8MQ 0x1fc9 0x012b
SDPU: SPL 0x0525 0xb4a4 [0x0000..0x04ff]
SDPV: SPL1 0x0525 0xb4a4 [0x0500..0x9998]
SDPV: SPL1 0x1fc9 0x0151 [0x0500..0x9998]
SDPU: SPL 0x0525 0xb4a4 [0x9999..0x9999]
SDPU: SPL 0x3016 0x1001 [0x0000..0x04ff]
SDPV: SPL1 0x3016 0x1001 [0x0500..0x9998]
FBK: 0x066f 0x9afe
FBK: 0x066f 0x9bff
FBK: 0x1fc9 0x0153
FB: 0x0525 0xa4a5
FB: 0x18d1 0x0d02
FB: 0x3016 0x0001
FB: 0x1fc9 0x0152
FB: 0x0483 0x0afb
New USB Device Attached at 4:1-15185800D8DBA4A5
New USB Device Attached at 3:2-15185800D8DBA4A5
3:2-15185800D8DBA4A5>Start Cmd:SDPS: boot -f "flash.bin"
100%3:2-15185800D8DBA4A5>Okay (2.319s)
3:2-15185800D8DBA4A5>Start Cmd:SDPS: done
3:2-15185800D8DBA4A5>Okay (0s)
Please input command:
is the version with the CRC32 command enabled.
- Then enter the following command to perform CRC verification.
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_dev mmc
FB: ucmd setenv mmcdev ${emmc_dev}
FB: ucmd mmc dev ${emmc_dev}
FB: crc -f imx-image-full-edm-g-imx8mp.rootfs.wic.[bz2|zst]/*
.[bz2|zst] Just select one of the compressed files.
is the image that has been flashed in. It supports ZST and BZ2 compressed files, so you don't need to unzip them beforehand.
U>FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_dev mmc
>Start Cmd:FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_dev mmc
New USB Device Attached at 4:1
4:1>Okay (0.023s)
U>FB: ucmd setenv mmcdev ${emmc_dev}
4:1>Start Cmd:FB: ucmd setenv mmcdev ${emmc_dev}
New USB Device Attached at 4:1
4:1>Okay (0.077s)
U>FB: ucmd mmc dev ${emmc_dev}
4:1>Start Cmd:FB: ucmd mmc dev ${emmc_dev}
New USB Device Attached at 4:1
4:1>Okay (0.047s)
U>FB: crc -f imx-image-full-edm-g-imx8mp.rootfs.wic.zst/*
4:1>Start Cmd:FB: crc -f image/imx-image-full-edm-g-imx8mp.rootfs.wic.zst/*
New USB Device Attached at 4:1
100%4:1>Okay (106.6s)
Use uuu extra script to flash and verify the image under Linux
The extra scripting methods integrate flashing and validation steps.
Currently, BMAP and CRC cannot be used at the same time.
Prepare the files to flash
Copy the flash.bin to the uuu path.
is the same version with the CRC32 command enabled.
Copy xxx.rootfs.wic.[bz2|zst] and xxx.rootfs.wic.bmap from the image file created by Yocto to the uuu path.
Just select one of the compressed files.
Generate an extra script file
Create a script called uuu.auto
. It reads as follows:
uuu_version 1.5.109
# This command will be run when i.MX8MM, i.MX8MQ, i.MX8MP
SDP: boot -f flash.bin
# This command will be run when ROM support stream mode
# i.MX8QXP, i.MX8QM
SDPS: boot -f flash.bin
# These commands will be run when use SPL and will be skipped if no spl
# SDPU will be deprecated. please use SDPV instead of SDPU
# {
SDPU: delay 1000
SDPU: write -f flash.bin -offset 0x57c00
SDPU: jump
# }
# These commands will be run when use SPL and will be skipped if no spl
# if (SPL support SDPV)
# {
SDPV: delay 1000
SDPV: write -f flash.bin -skipspl
SDPV: jump
# }
FB: ucmd setenv fastboot_dev mmc
FB: ucmd setenv mmcdev ${emmc_dev}
FB: ucmd mmc dev ${emmc_dev}
FB: flash -raw2sparse all imx-image-full-edm-g-imx8mp.rootfs.wic.zst/*
FB: crc -f imx-image-full-edm-g-imx8mp.rootfs.wic.zst/*
FB: ucmd mmc partconf ${emmc_dev} 0 0 0
FB: done
It supports ZST and BZ2 compressed files, so you don't need to unzip them beforehand. The filenames in the extra script are hard-coded. Therefore, the file name of the file to be flashed should correspond to the script. The extra script and the flash file should also be placed in the same path, otherwise the full path must be specified in the script.
uuu command with an extra script file
sudo ./uuu -d uuu.auto
Results in console logs