TechNexion TEVS Camera for Renesas RZ/V2H-EVK
  • 24 Mar 2025
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TechNexion TEVS Camera for Renesas RZ/V2H-EVK

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Article summary


TechNexion Embedded Vision Solutions provide embedded system developers access to high-performance, industrial-grade camera solutions to accelerate their time to market for embedded vision projects.

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Supported Raspberry Pi

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Install TN Camera on Raspberry Pi

Adaptor for RZ/V2H-EVK

TEVS-RPI22 Adaptor for TEVS camera

Connect TEVS camera and TEVS-RPI22 adaptor to RZ/V2H-EVK - "CN7/CN8/CN10/CN9" directly.

Method 1 - Pre-built Image for TEVS Camera on RZ/V2H-EVK

We provide a pre-built image to simplify using TEVS camera on RZ/V2H-EVK.

  1. Download the image from the following link.
    RZ/V2H + Yocto-AI-v3.0 + TEVS

  2. Install necessary tool.

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install -y unzip bmap-tools
  3. Extract the pre-built image.

    $ unzip
  4. Flash SD Card with the image.

    • Enter the pre-built image directory

      $ cd ./rzv2h-evk-ver1_yocto-ai-v3_tevs_demo_20240828
    • Use bmaptool to flash the image to the SD card

      # ${device} is your device path name, such as /dev/sdb
      $ umount ${device}?
      $ sudo bmaptool copy --bmap rzv2h-evk-ver1_yocto-ai-v3_tevs_demo_20240828.rootfs.wic.bmap \
      rzv2h-evk-ver1_yocto-ai-v3_tevs_demo_20240828.rootfs.wic.gz ${device}

Method 2 - Build the RZ/V2H AI SDK Source Code with Technexion patch

Please refernece "How to build RZ/V2H AI SDK Source Code" and follow the steps below:

  1. Download the SDK source code.
    RZ/V2H AI SDK Source Code

  2. Install necessary tool.

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install -y gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip bmap-tools texinfo \
    gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat cpio python python3 python3-pip \
    python3-pexpect xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping libsdl1.2-dev xterm p7zip-full \
    libyaml-dev libssl-dev
  3. Extract the SDK source code.

    • Unpack the source code archive

      $ unzip
    • Create a folder for the Yocto recipe package

      $ mkdir -p ./yocto_ai_v3.00
    • Extract the Yocto recipe package to the specified directory

      $ tar zxvf rzv2h_ai-sdk_yocto_recipe_v3.00.tar.gz -C ./yocto_ai_v3.00
  4. Change graphics library to unrestricted version. (Optional)

    • Download

    • Remove the original graphics library

      $ rm -rf ./yocto_ai_v3.00/meta-rz-features/meta-rz-graphics
    • Unpack the source code archive

      $ unzip
    • Extract unrestricted version to the specified directory

      $ tar zxvf RTK0EF0045Z14001ZJ-v1.2.1_rzv_EN/meta-rz-features_graphics_v1.2.1.tar.gz -C ./yocto_ai_v3.00
  5. Get TEVS camera driver patch.

    • Clone Technexion renessas camera driver repository

      $ git clone -b ai-sdk-v3.00
    • Copy the driver patch to the Yocto recipe directory

      $ cp ./Renesas-Camera-Driver/TechNexion_TEVS.patch ./yocto_ai_v3.00
  6. Apply patch files to fix link error.

    • Enter the Yocto recipe directory

      $ cd ./yocto_ai_v3.00
    • Download and apply the required patch files

      $ wget
      $ wget
      $ wget
      $ patch -d ./meta-renesas -p1 < 0001-recipes-debian-buster-glibc-Update-version-from-2.28.patch
      $ patch -d ./meta-renesas -p1 < 0001-rz-common-recipes-debian-buster-glibc-update-to-v2.28-10+deb10u4.patch
      $ patch -d ./meta-rz-features/meta-rz-codecs -p1 < 61835_update_url_gst_common.patch
  7. Apply TEVS camera driver patch.

    $ patch -p1 -i ./TechNexion_TEVS.patch
  8. Initialize a build in poky.

    $ TEMPLATECONF=${PWD}/meta-renesas/meta-rzv2h/docs/template/conf/ source poky/oe-init-build-env
  9. Add layers to bblayers.conf.

    $ bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-rz-features/meta-rz-graphics
    $ bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-rz-features/meta-rz-drpai
    $ bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-rz-features/meta-rz-opencva
    $ bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-rz-features/meta-rz-codecs
    $ bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-tn
  10. Apply a patch fot Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine.

    $ patch -p1 < ../0001-tesseract.patch
  11. Build the kerenl files.

    $ MACHINE=rzv2h-evk-ver1 bitbake core-image-weston
  12. Flash SD Card with the image.

    • Enter the Yocto build images directory

      $ cd ./tmp/deploy/images/rzv2h-evk-ver1
    • Use bmaptool to flash the image to the SD card

      # ${device} is your device path name, such as /dev/sdb
      $ umount ${device}?
      $ sudo bmaptool copy --bmap core-image-weston-rzv2h-evk-ver1-*.rootfs.wic.bmap \
      core-image-weston-rzv2h-evk-ver1-*.rootfs.wic.gz ${device}

Stream on Camera by GStreamer

Once EVK has finished booting, you will see some archives in the home directory.

root@rzv2h-evk-ver1:~# ls -l

-rwxr--r--  1 root root 3599 Mar  9  2018
-rwxr--r--  1 root root 1424 Mar  9  2018
-rwxr--r--  1 root root  845 Mar  9  2018

There are two main scripts to help you easily set up and stream from TEVS camera.


    Usage: [media_node] [resolution]
        [media_node]: 0 or /dev/media0 is a sample
        [resolution]: 640x480 is a sample

    This script requires two arguments to set up the camera:

    • media_node - The media device node.

    • resolution - The supported resolution depend on the camera.

    Example command:

    root@rzv2h-evk-ver1:~# sh 0 640x480

    Usage: [resolution]
        [resolution]: 640x480 is a sample

    This script requires one argument to set up four cameras at once.

    • resolution - The supported resolution depend on the camera.

    Example command:

    root@rzv2h-evk-ver1:~# sh 640x480

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