How to build and deplay Debian using flexbuild
  • 03 Feb 2025
  • 3 Minutes to read
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How to build and deplay Debian using flexbuild

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Article summary

Build Debian using flexbuild

Github page for tn_debian_flexbuild

Build Environment

  • Cross-build in Debian Docker container hosted on x86 Ubuntu or any other distro for arm64 target
  • Cross-build on x86 host machine running Debian 12 for arm64 target
  • Native-build on ARM board running Debian for arm64 target

Source Code Retrieval

$ git clone
$ cd tn_debian_flexbuild

Setting Up the Docker Build Environment


$ . setup.env
$ bld docker   (create or attach to docker)

in docker:
( check if the prompt is [root@fbdebian tn_debian_flexbuild])

$ . setup.env
$ bld host-dep (install docker dependent packages)

Select one of the following:

A. Automated Build of Debian 12 for Target Board


$ bld -m imx8mp-edm-g


$ bld -m imx8mm-edm-g

B. step by step build of Debian 12

To reduce build time and redundant files

Use -p IMX will build all platforms of the i.MX.
Swap -p IMX to -m <machine> to contain only that machine's components.

General RootFS

  1. download RootFS
  2. build NXP-specific components(apps)
  3. merge
  4. pack RootFS
# create general rootfs with NXP-specific components all IMX platforms
$ bld rfs -p IMX               # create rootfs with debian desktop, for other rootfs: [-r debian:server | -r debian:base | -r poky:tiny ]
$ bld apps -p IMX              # create NXP-specific components(apps) for all IMX platforms, depends on rootfs created above
$ bld merge-apps -p IMX        # merge NXP-specific components(apps) to rootfs.
$ bld packrfs -p IMX           # pack rootfs to 'build_lsdk2412>/images/'

Boot partition

# create all boot image for all IMX platforms
$ bld boot -p IMX              # create boot partitions for all IMX pltforms to 'build_lsdk2412>/images/'

Bootable firmware

# create all firmware image for all IMX platforms
$ bld fwall -p IMX             # create all fw for all IMX platforms to 'build_lsdk2412>/images/'

C. using others build command:

Check in Github page

Deploy (flex-installer) into device:

If the flex-installer command is not found, ensure you run:

( flex-installer is in PATH when running $ . setenv.
If not, replace flex-installer with ./flex-installer )

Each debian image in flexbuild contain 3 files, all of them presents in build_lsdk2412/images/ if you follow the build step above.

  1. bootable firmware (firmware_<machine>_sdboot.img)
  2. boot partition (boot_IMX_arm64_<machine>_lts_6.6.52.tar.zst)
  3. General RootFS (rootfs_lsdk2412_debian_desktop_arm64.tar.zst)
Name might be defferent!

For different flexbuild version, some of the name would changes.
Please adjust name by following rules:

  • 2412 stands for flexbuild-v24.12.
  • boot_IMX_arm64 is the name of debian12.
  • 6.6.52 is the kernel version.
  • desktop is default distro(desktop | server | base)

Or follow the github page guide.

Go to build image folder

$ cd build_lsdk2412/images/

Flash directly to block device(/dev/sd):

Format block device

$ flex-installer -i pf -d /dev/sd<x>

== For EDM-G-IMX8MP ==

$ flex-installer -m imx8mp-edm-g -d /dev/sd<X> -b boot_IMX_arm64_imx8mp-edm-g_lts_6.6.52 -f firmware_imx8mp-edm-g_sdboot.img -r rootfs_lsdk2412_debian_desktop_arm64.tar.zst

== For EDM-G-IMX8MM ==

$ flex-installer -m imx8mm-edm-g -d /dev/sd<X> -b boot_IMX_arm64_imx8mm-edm-g_lts_6.6.52 -f firmware_imx8mm-edm-g_sdboot.img -r rootfs_l2412_debian_desktop_arm64.tar.zst

Create sdcard image (8GB size image named sdcard.wic):

== For EDM-G-IMX8MP ==

$ flex-installer -m imx8mp-edm-g -i mkwic -b boot_IMX_arm64_imx8mp-edm-g_lts_6.6.52 -f firmware_imx8mp-edm-g_sdboot.img -r rootfs_lsdk2412_debian_desktop_arm64.tar.zst

== For EDM-G-IMX8MM ==

$ flex-installer -m imx8mm-edm-g -i mkwic -b boot_IMX_arm64_imx8mm-edm-g_lts_6.6.52 -f firmware_imx8mm-edm-g_sdboot.img -r rootfs_lsdk2412_debian_desktop_arm64.tar.zst

Swap the uboot/ kernel

Modify the config file:

$ vim configs/technexion.yml

Change the repository(url:) and version (tag: or branch: or commit:)


Delete the previous repository and build result if needed:

# linux
$ bld clean-linux -p IMX
$ rm -rf build_lsdk2412/images/boot_IMX_arm64_*
$ rm -rf components_lsdk2412/linux/linux/

# uboot
$ bld clean-bsp -p IMX
$ rm -rf build_lsdk2412/images/firmware_*
$ rm -rf components_lsdk2412/bsp/uboot/

modify the patches if needed

When you change the kernel/uboot, you might face the patch conflict issue.
You might need to adjust or remove the patches in these folder:

$ ls -la patch/linux/
$ ls -la patch/uboot/

Trouble shooting

Custom board can't boot into uboot

Might facing the nameing check in src/bsp/ cause generate flash.bin not correctly.

Build failed for machine learning(ml) components

As for ml Makefile, NXP does not fully isolated the build environment.
Leads to build failed in some of the computers.

For now, disable the ml by applying this patch:

$ wget
$ git am 0001-flexbuild-disable-ml-component.patch

Boot partition in debian12 is EXT4 not FAT32 like yocto.
If you want to add camera or display overlay, change command from:

$ fatls mmc X


$ ext4ls mmc X
login using debian v.s. root

For most use case, login using debian is enough.
root does not able to access the desktop session.
debian user has root permission, but some of the command still need to add sudo prefix.

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