Host Environment setting
  • 20 Apr 2023
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Host Environment setting

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Article summary

Login to device CUI/ GUI

When first booting, you will see this on CUI:

[   31.893157] Please complete system configuration setup on desktop to proceed...

You need to follow the step to creat system configuration on GUI.
(Need to prepare USB keyboard/ mouse, and DP monitor.)

And you can login GUI/ CUI with your account.

With TEK8-NX210V

It will flash FPGA firmware after you set system configuration.
Reboot after finish, and this only do it once.

Create workspace

Create and enter the nvidia workspace folder

$ mkdir <nvidia_folder> && cd <nvidia_folder>

Download the TN-Jetpack using the script

Download stable-script from github

  1. Click the tags

  2. Chose the version you want to download.

  3. Download the source code and decompress.

# Decompress the zip file
$ unzip TEV-Jetson_Jetpack_script-<tag>.zip
$ cd TEV-Jetson_Jetpack_script-<tag>

# Change the script permission
$ sudo chmod 777 technexion_jetpack_download_<tag>.sh

### You may want to copy the script to your workspace before you run the script.
# Run the script to download Jetpack and Technexion sources
# The module and baseboard options is required.
# [-m <Xavier-NX|Nano>] [-b <TEK3-NVJETSON|TEK8-NX210V|EVK>]
# example: 
$ ./technexion_jetpack_download_<tag>.sh -m Xavier-NX -b TEK8-NX210V
$ ./technexion_jetpack_download_<tag>.sh -m Nano -b EVK
Download the lastest code.

If you want to download the lastest source code, please modify the beginning of the script.

# Wether using tag to download stable release

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