Enabling Auto-login in Yocto
  • 01 Oct 2021
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Enabling Auto-login in Yocto

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Article Summary


In some use cases, it is necessary to provide access to a terminal (console) without requiring the user to login or provide a password. Particularly useful in development, where the act of logging in can take some time, this can be helpful even in some real-world applications. For example, an end-user can login to view certain parameters and collect diagnostic information using a serial console port or a video terminal.

The objective of this article is to illustrate how to enable this in Yocto-generate distributions.

Mechanism: getty and systemd

Terminal access into a Linux system is provided by an application named "getty", which is short for "get tty". When the system detects a connection, the purpose of getty is to prompt the user for a login and password.

In embedded Linux machines, an instance of getty is launched on selected terminals at startup. These can be video consoles (on display), or on serial ports. This is different than for other terminal sessions that are started on-demand. For example, incoming secure shell connections require an instance of getty to authenticate the user as the sessions are started.

By default, Yocto distributions use systemd to start userspace applications at boot. The configuration of systemd is controlled using unit configuration files. Each process launched by systemd utilizes a configuration file. The configuration files dictate how a process is launched. By modifying the arguments contained within the systemd unit configuration file for the getty instances launched at startup, we can enable auto-login.

Hardware used in this example

For this example, the hardware used is the EDM-G-IMX8M-PLUS, as that is what the author had handy at the time. Any hardware can be used, but the serial terminal device numbers and other configurations, such as BAUD rate, might be different.

Taking a look at the default unit configuration files for getty for serial console and video console for the EDM-G-IMX8M-PLUS. The default unit configuration files are located in /lib/systemd/system:

Examining the file for the serial console (/lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service), and viewing the [Service] section, you will see the ExecStart= line. ExecStart defines the command line used when starting up the instance.

ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -8 -L %I 115200 $TERM

By adding --autologin [username] to the command, getty will start the terminal session as the user selected by [username]. For example, this can be any user, even root. For example:

ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin root -8 -L %I 115200 $TERM

In our example, we have a normal user named technexion in our Yocto Project Customization series, thus:

ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin technexion -8 -L %I 115200 $TERM

This will enable the serial console autologin as the normal user technexion.

Video Console

The normal video console (the command line presented on a video display if not running a graphical UI) can also be configured for autologin. The systemd unit configuration file is different, as the arguments to the call to /sbin/agetty are different for virtual terminals.

In /lib/systemd/system/getty@.service, find the ExecStart= line and add --autologin [username] to it. Below we add same the technexion user as above.

ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin technexion -o '-p -- \\u' --noclear %I $TERM

After making the above changes, rebooting the system should provide an command prompt in your chosen shell.

TechNexion i.MX Release Distro 5.4-zeus edm-g-imx8mp ttymxc1

edm-g-imx8mp login: technexion (automatic login)
edm-g-imx8mp:~$ whoami

As an aside, you can choose to automatically login as the root user in the video console (or virtual terminal). This is a very bad idea to do in production, but it might be useful in development. A '-f' argument is needed to be passed to the login program like this:

ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin root -o '-f -p -- \\u' --noclear %I $TERM

This argument causes the login program to skip authentication.

Building this into your distribution with Yocto

In order to enable automatic login into your custom image with Yocto, you will need to modify the systemd configuration files in the root filesystem (rootfs). One way to do this is to modify the files after the rootfs has been generated. This simplifies the amount of modification required for the recipes. In fact, one can add this to just the image recipe, or even to the local.conf file. By adding this to the image recipe, the autologin function is only enabled for that specific image. If added to local.conf, all images will have autologin enabled.

The OpenEmbedded build system defines a variable named ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND which contains a list of functions to be executed after the rootfs has been built. By adding a function to modify the the systemd unit configuration files to ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND, the OE build system makes required changes.

Here is the example code:

# Remove debugging tweaks. These allow the root user to be passwordless.
IMAGE_FEATURES_remove += " \
    debug-tweaks \

# Add more users
inherit extrausers

# Set the password for the root user, and create a new user nambed 'technexion`
    usermod -P rootpasswd root; \
    useradd -p '' technexion \

# Define a variable to hold the list of systemd unit config files to be modified.
# Modify the serial console config and the video console config files.
     ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${systemd_system_unitdir}/serial-getty@.service \
     ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${systemd_system_unitdir}/getty@.service \
# Define a function that modifies the systemd unit config files with the autologin arguments
local_autologin () {
    sed -i -e 's/^\(ExecStart *=.*getty \)/\1--autologin technexion /' ${TN_LOCAL_GETTY}

# Add the function so that it is executed after the rootfs has been generated
ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "local_autologin; "

To explain, this first ensures that the root user has a password defined, and establishes a new user named technexion. It then defines the files that need to be modified in TN_LOCAL_GETTY. Note: TN_LOCAL_GETTY can be any name. It then defines the function local_autologin which runs sed (Stream Editor) to search for the line in the files defined by TN_LOCAL_GETTY for ExecStart and inserts --autologin technexion into the line, That function is then appended to the variable ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND using the += operator. This function executes and modifies the systemd unit configuration files after the rootfs has been generated, but before the final image is created.

After adding this to an image recipe, rebuild the image, load the image into the system, and it should autologin automatically as the user technexion.

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