- 26 Jan 2022
- 4 Minutes to read
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Custom Configuration
- Updated on 26 Jan 2022
- 4 Minutes to read
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- DarkLight
Device Tree Overlay Configuration
Technexion implement a device-tree overlay method using AVB 3.0.
Example: runtime stage
Please boot up into u-boot prompt, and issue commands as follows example:
Overlay vl10112880 lvds panel
u-boot=> setenv overlay_name 'lvds_10'
Overlay vl215192108 lvds panel
u-boot=> setenv overlay_name 'lvds_21'
Change back original device tree without overlay (HDMI)
u-boot=> setenv overlay_name 'no_overlay'
save your overlay configuration for every boot later, if you just want to boot current setting once, you can ignore this step.
u-boot=> saveenv
boot into Android system
u-boot=> boot
Overlay Table
platform | overlay function | overlay_name name | default overlay_name |
EDM-G-IMX8M-PLUS | VL10112880 10" LVDS panel Vl215192108 21" LVDS panel TEVI-OV5640 TEVI-AR0521 TEVI-AR0144 TEVI-AR0234 | lvds_10 lvds_21 cam_ov5640 cam_ar0521 cam_ar0144 cam_ar0234 | cam_ov5640 |
EDM-G-IMX8M-MINI | VL10112880 10" LVDS panel VL215192108 21" LVDS panel TEVI-OV5640 | lvds_10 lvds_21 cam_ov5640 | lvds_10 cam_ov5640 |
PICO-IMX8M | ILI9881C 5" MIPI LCD G101UAN02 10" MIPI LCD TEVI-OV5640 OV5645 CLIX_NFC MIPI to HDMI MIPI to VL10112880 10" LVDS pnael MIPI to VL15613676 15" LVDS pnael MIPI to VL215192108 21" LVDS pnael | mipi_5 mipi_10 cam_ov5640 cam_ov5645 clix1_nfc mipi_to_hdmi mipi_to_lvds_10 mipi_to_lvds_15 mipi_to_lvds_21 | cam_ov5640 |
PICO-IMX8M-MINI | ILI9881C 5" MIPI LCD G101UAN02 10" MIPI LCD TEVI-OV5640 OV5645 CLIX_NFC MIPI to HDMI MIPI to VL10112880 10" LVDS pnael MIPI to VL15613676 15" LVDS pnael MIPI to VL215192108 21" LVDS pnael | mipi_5 mipi_10 cam_ov5640 cam_ov5645 clix1_nfc mipi_to_hdmi mipi_to_lvds_10 mipi_to_lvds_15 mipi_to_lvds_21 | mipi_5 cam_ov5640 |
Example: compile stage
You also can fixed your overlay setting in u-boot header file according your target board such as:
<source>/vendor/nxp-opensource/uboot-imx/include/configs/<your board>_android.h
"overlay_name=<change to what you want>\0"» \
Change Boot Arguments
According to your device, you might need to change properties let your system performance better, list common properties as follows:
screen rotation
Because of some DRM-panel driver has clock issue in GKI kernel, so we provide standard hwrotation property or a workaround "swrotation" property in u-boot arguments according to your platform:
EDM-G-IMX8M-PLUS = hwrotation (0, 90, 180, 270)
PICO-IMX8M = swrotation(0, 90)
Note that if you use PICO-IMX8M with Camera and you would like to rotate 90 angle in camera preview mode, you can set swrotation=90 to implement it.
PICO-IMX8M-MINI = N/Acma size = cma
resolution = displaymode
WiFi country code for AP mode =wificountrycode
display density =lcd_density
About CMA size, it's up to your DRAM size for each platforms, please modify CMA size as follows table:
platform | DRAM size | recommend properties | default properties |
EDM-G-IMX8M-PLUS | 1. 1GiB 2. 2GiB and above | 1. cma=320M@0x400M-0xb80M androidboot.displaymode=720p galcore.contiguousSize=33554432 2. cma=800M@0x400M-0xb80M | cma=800M@0x400M-0xb80M |
EDM-G-IMX8M-MINI | 1. 1GiB 2. 2GiB and above | 1. cma=480M@0x400M-0xb80M 2. cma=800M@0x400M-0xb80M | cma=480M@0x400M-0xb80M |
PICO-IMX8M | 1. 1GiB 2. 2GiB and above | 1. cma=385M androidboot.displaymode=720p 2. cma=736M | cma=736M |
PICO-IMX8M-MINI | 1. 1GiB 2. 2GiB and above | 1. cma=400M@0x400M-0xb80M 2. cma=800M@0x400M-0xb80M | cma=400M@0x400M-0xb80M |
Example: runtime stage
u-boot=> setenv bootargs console=ttymxc1,115200 init=/init androidboot.console=ttymxc1 androidboot.hardware=nxp androidboot.hwrotation=0 firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware loop.max_part=7 transparent_hugepage=never swiotlb=65536 androidboot.vendor.sysrq=1 androidboot.lcd_density=240 androidboot.primary_display=imx-drm androidboot.wificountrycode=TW androidboot.usb.debugging=1 cma=800M@0x400M-0xb80M quiet
u-boot=> saveenv
u-boot=> boot
u-boot=> setenv bootargs console=ttymxc1,115200 init=/init androidboot.console=ttymxc1 androidboot.hardware=nxp firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware loop.max_part=7 transparent_hugepage=never androidboot.vendor.sysrq=1 androidboot.lcd_density=240 androidboot.primary_display=imx-drm androidboot.wificountrycode=TW androidboot.usb.debugging=1 cma=480M@0x400M-0xb80M quiet
u-boot=> saveenv
u-boot=> boot
u-boot=> setenv bootargs console=ttymxc1,115200 init=/init androidboot.console=ttymxc1 androidboot.hardware=nxp firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware loop.max_part=7 transparent_hugepage=never androidboot.vendor.sysrq=1 androidboot.lcd_density=240 androidboot.primary_display=imx-drm androidboot.wificountrycode=TW androidboot.usb.debugging=1 cma=800M@0x400M-0xb80M quiet
u-boot=> saveenv
u-boot=> boot
u-boot=> setenv bootargs console=ttymxc0,115200 init=/init androidboot.console=ttymxc0 androidboot.hardware=nxp androidboot.hwrotation=0 firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware loop.max_part=7 androidboot.fbTileSupport=enable transparent_hugepage=never androidboot.vendor.sysrq=1 androidboot.lcd_density=240 androidboot.primary_display=imx-dcss androidboot.displaymode=1080p androidboot.wificountrycode=TW androidboot.usb.debugging=1 cma=736M quiet
u-boot=> saveenv
u-boot=> boot
u-boot=> setenv bootargs console=ttymxc1,115200 init=/init androidboot.console=ttymxc1 androidboot.hardware=nxp androidboot.swrotation=90 firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware loop.max_part=7 transparent_hugepage=never androidboot.vendor.sysrq=1 androidboot.lcd_density=240 androidboot.primary_display=imx-drm androidboot.wificountrycode=TW androidboot.usb.debugging=1 cma=400M@0x400M-0xb80M quiet
u-boot=> saveenv
u-boot=> boot
Example: compile stage
You also can fixed your overlay setting in u-boot header file according your target board such as:
<source>/vendor/nxp-opensource/uboot-imx/include/configs/<your board>_android.h
"bootargs=<change to what you want>\0"» \
Enableing NFC function
Users can enable NFC function in < source >/cookers/env.bash (default is disabled except for EDM-G-IMX8M-PLUS), then re-compile again:
export NFC_ACTIVE=false
export NFC_ACTIVE=true
Enableing 5GNR function
Support platform: EDM-G-IMX8M-PLUS
Step 1: Prepare SIM8202 prebuilt Radio Interface Layer (RIL) libraries
This BSP does support SIMCOM 5GNR module - SIM8202G-M2, but because of the license restriction, please contact TechNexion FAE or Sales to get licensed RIL relate files, default is disabled.
Contact Window: sales@technexion.com
After getting the RIL files, please decompress the tarball and put modem folder into specific device folder as follows:
$ cp -rv modem <source folder>/device/nxp/edm_g_imx8mp
Step 2. Enable SIM8202 configuration
Users need enable 5gnr function in < source >/cookers/env.bash (default is disabled, note that modify top SIM8202_MODEM_ACTIVE parameter is enough), then re-compile again:
export SIM8202_MODEM_ACTIVE=false
export SIM8202_MODEM_ACTIVE=true
Technexion provide a demo app about libgpiod JNI Test, specific source code as following:
Users can implement own GUI using our INPUT/OUTPUT APIs
Setting GPIO as output with specific value:
public native String setGpioInfo(int gpiobank,int gpioline, int value)
Setting GPIO as input and get a value:
public native String getGpioInfo(int gpiobank,int gpioline);
New OTA system: systemupgrade
Our Android 11 does support full update and incremental update, please contact our window to get detail instruction:
TensorFlow-Lite for Machine Learning
EDM-G-IMX8MP has a NPU (Neural Processing Unit) inside the SoC for machine learning applications, it has a very good performance using TFL (tensorflow-lite), Technexion provide two simple TFL apps let users testing as follows steps:
Note that other platforms
Image classification using CPU/NPU
$ wget https://ftp.technexion.com/development_resources/NXP/android/11.0/machine-learning_demo/TFL-ImageClassify.zip
$ unzip TFL-ImageClassify.zip
Speech commands using CPU
$ wget https://ftp.technexion.com/development_resources/NXP/android/11.0/machine-learning_demo/TFL-SpeechCommand.zip
$ unzip TFL-SpeechCommand.zip
Quick install to Android image
$ adb install TFL-ImageClassify.apk
$ adb install TFL-SpeechCommand.apk
Build-in to Technexion Android BSP
$ mkdir -p <source code>/packages/apps/TFL-ImageClassify
$ mv TFL-ImageClassify.apk Android.mk <source code>/packages/apps/TFL-ImageClassify
$ cd <source code>/packages/apps/TFL-ImageClassify
$ mm
$ cd -
$ cook -j4
$ mkdir -p <source code>/packages/apps/TFL-SpeechCommand
$ mv TFL-ImageClassify.apk Android.mk <source code>/packages/apps/TFL-SpeechCommand
$ cd <source code>/packages/apps/TFL-SpeechCommand
$ mm
$ cd -
$ cook -j4