Some debug tips before you start
  • 06 May 2024
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Some debug tips before you start

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Article summary

Add another boot config

We highly recommend you to add another boot config for it.

So when you make mistake, you can boot by another boot config.
(Re-create system.img or flash whole system.img take a lot of time.)
And rename your test file before you copy into target folder.

$ vi /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
LABEL primary
      MENU LABEL primary kernel
      LINUX /boot/Image
      INITRD /boot/initrd
      FDT /boot/<target>.dtb
      APPEND ${cbootargs} ...

+      MENU LABEL TEST kernel
+      LINUX /boot/Image_test
+      INITRD /boot/initrd
+      FDT /boot/<target>_test.dtb
+      APPEND ${cbootargs} ...

When booting to UEFI, follow the step to change boot device.
Or you can select the TEST_KERNEL boot config by typing '2' in console.

Boot from USB stick

Another way for safety boot is using USB stick boot.
Follow section: Flash demo image to create new USB boot device, when boot to UEFI select the right boot device.

Some trap

If you follow the section: Create new system.img, and flash to create USB boot device, make sure you modify the /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf

- root=PARTUUID=ad43ec6f-6d79-4df0-b915-1c936b0e33ef
+ root=/dev/sda1
Otherwise, the OS might select the wrong rootfs device.

Go to this website for more detail.

Remove/ modify the default user and password

In download script, we add a default user ubuntu:ubuntu

# vim #Line: 274
        # create default user and auto login
        sudo Linux_for_Tegra/tools/ -u ubuntu -p ubuntu -a
# -a stands for auto login.

This user can't be removed, so remove/ modify this line BEFORE you run the download script.

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